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Star Wars Premium
Feature Matrix
Game Flyer

Star Wars pinball machines will be available in Pro, Premium and Limited Edition models. The game will immerse players in the dynamic and challenging Star Wars pinball environment as they battle to restore justice to the Galaxy. Stern’s Star Wars Premium and Limited Edition machines are packed with features that provide an irresistible game experience. The game includes select speech and footage from the original Star Wars trilogy; color-changing LED-lighted inserts; a sculpted LED-lit Millennium Falcon; and a sculpted TIE Fighter. The Limited Edition and Premium models also feature two LCD screens, an exploding Death Star interactive display, and a hyperspace ramp.
Game Trailer
Making of Video
Official Game Accessories
Universal Stern Accessoires
General Pinball Accessories
Pinhedz Creamy Carnauba | $16.99 | |
Black Ops Kit | $34.99 | |
Pinhedz Black Ops One Step Carnauba Wax | $16.99 | |
Pinhedz Premium Series Complete Kit | $69.99 | |
Pinhedz Anti-Reflective Glass Cleaner | $13.99 | |
Pinhedz Premium Metal Polish | $12.99 | |
Pinhedz Glass Cleaning Kit | $19.99 | |
Pinhedz UV Pro Premium Cabinet Cleaner& Protectant | $16.99 | |
Pinhedz Black Ops Microfiber | $8.99 | |
Pinhedz Black Ops Spray & Wipe | $14.99 | |
Pinhedz Premium Silk Edge Black Microfiber | $6.49 | |
Pinhedz Premium HD Glass Cleaning Microfiber | $11.98 | |
Pinhedz Premium Playfield Cleaner | $16.99 |

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