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Godzilla Kaiju Wars VR is a highly interactive VR game that boasts the Thrill-D NXT™ motion platform, patented force-feedback blasters, wind and vibration effects, 6-channel Earthshaker™ audio, and featuring the massive 2X65” GigaScreen™ video displays – to suck in a never-ending stream of players. This unattended VR motion attraction features two action-packed levels of cinematic VR at a level of intensity and realism never seen before…anywhere.

Head-to-head scoring lets you know who really saved the world!

Play head-to-head in an unattended VR motion attraction.
Ships with two action-packed levels of cinematic VR that have an intensity & realism never seen before… anywhere
Thrill-D NXT™ motion platform
Patented force-feedback blasters
Wind & vibration effects
6-channel Earthshaker™ audio
Featuring 2 65” GigaScreen™ video displays
Headset is the DPVR e4 – lighter, brighter, and easier to tighten to the head for the perfect fit

Game Trailer



GAME FEATURE: -Godzilla Strikes Back!
-Giant 2×65″ GIGASCREEN™
-7-ch EARTHSHAKER™ Audio
-Atomic Blasters!
-Gen 2 Headsets!

Godzilla Kaiju Wars VR™
Main cab pallet: 52″x40″x89.5″, 811lbs.
Pedestal pallet: 36″x57″x60″, 478lbs.
Misc. pallet: 45″x52″x49″, 405lbs.
Location Dimensions
Fully Assembled – 131.5”H x 57.25”W x 101.5”D
Removing marquee reduces height to 108″

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